Thursday, October 23, 2008


I couldn't sleep much the night before the day we need to go to a lawyer office and sign the papers to file our divorce...An exciting day that I can see her again...and a day that I know I should not be looking forward to...

I dressed up nicely that morning, I opened up a white shirt which my mother bought me a long time ago which I treasure so much...I know I must honour the occasion, as to a proper way to end our marriage, that is why it was an important day for me...

We met on that afternoon, the signing of the papers was brief, but that feeling of bitterness lingers for a while...But it all went away as she bought me a plate of KFC...It was like the nicest thing which could happen to me, she was sitting infront of me and she had salad that day...

Thank you, thank you for a very tasty plate of KFC, from now A McDonalds fan has become a KFC fan... :)